- [Announcer] We are called by God to share the whole gospel with the whole world. Rockpoint Reaching is each of us. It requires action from us and the need for belief to exist in us. Belief in the power of the gospel and the high calling to share. We are Rockpoint Reaching, providing clean water in Kenya, working for better healthcare opportunities in the Philippines, building new church steeples in New Orleans, volunteering time to see hundreds of children learn about Jesus through Vacation Bible School or donating funds to help support missionaries as they bring the gospel to restricted places in new languages. New hearts become a part of the kingdom of God. We reach outside our walls as a church family for the purpose of bringing God glorious, he changes the hearts and lives of those in this world forever. Let's not slow down. Let's look up, look out and ask God today, what next? - Good morning, good morning, good morning. How are we doing this morning, church? Come on. Man, I am fired up to be here. How many guys know we've got an amazing team at Rockpoint Church? Can you put your hands together? This is an awesome church. And I've been blessed to be connected to this church for some time. One of your people that go here, he's been on staff before, Brad Madison. him and his wife, Lisa. Brad and I, we met at the Billy Graham Center back when we were both like just getting married, I think, and being called. And I love getting to hang out with your youth group over the years, even at the national youth conference as the E.Free Churches down there. I grew up in the Free Church in North Dakota. And man, it's just awesome to be here with you. And I also just wanna honor the moms in the house. Where my mom's at? Come on, throw your hand up if you're a mom in this place. And I wanna say, I wanna honor all the moms here, but I also wanna honor all the women here who kind of serve and giving like motherly love and affection and help and hope. I know sometimes these is can be painful because maybe you lost your mom. Maybe you wanted to be a mom, and that hasn't happened for you. But I just believe there is a day like this that we can celebrate this spirit, this heart, this sacrifice. Man, I honor my mom today. I got a picture of me and my mom. And I can honestly say without my mom, I wouldn't be here literally and figuratively. I mean, she was my prayer warrior. She still is a prayer warrior in my life. I used to tell people, man, if you get Cathy Hall praying for you, that's like mobilizing a thousand prayer warriors. 'Cause she will just worry the heck out of any situation and pray it through. And I think you never stop being a parent. But specifically you never stopped being a mom. So I wanna honor my mom. My wife, Tiffany, is there. This third picture is one of my kind of spiritual mothers. I think this is important. We all have kind of men and women who speak into our lives and this woman, her name is Lisa Chin. This was just this week. I was at the Billy Graham Center or the Billy Graham headquarters in Charlotte, and Lisa lives there. She was an executive with InterVarsity, helped lead things like Urbana. And she speaks all over the world, but we talk once a month. She just kind of coaches and encourages me, and just is a voice in my life. And then this last woman here is one of my heroes. Her name is Susanna Wesley. Most of you probably haven't heard of Susanna Wesley, but she had 19 children, lost nine of them, and had a kind of a tough life. Her husband was a pastor, and man, being a pastor's wife is not an easy job. But anyway, she raised the kids alone. She did a farm alone, and she like did a lot of the things. Her husband was gone a lot. Actually they got in trouble with debtors at some points. Her husband was even in jail paying off debt. But Susanna was like a mighty woman of God, and a mighty woman of prayer. And there's stories of her. She used to literally take her, they had the big dresses back then. So she'd take the outer part of her dress and pull it over her head. And that was when mom needed a quiet time with the Lord. And so they used to call it the tent of meeting, and, 'cause they just had like a one-roomed house. So she's like get alone with the Lord. And they used to say that she would spend like over an hour, sometimes two hours a day just with the Lord, but she would train those kids. And all of them grew up to love the Lord. Her sons, John and Charles Wesley, literally changed the world. And so you could say her greatest legacy was her children. And I know my mom would say the same thing. I mean, my mom would tell you she's led three people to Christ me, my brother, and sister. But my mom prays and she's a faithful witness. So I just wanna honor the moms today, and just say, thank you. I believe that moms are real life superheroes. And so you are awesome. You deserve trophies and parades and lots and lots of gifts. So now this is your permission to ask your spouse whatever you want on the way home. Ah, listen, God is moving. How many guys know God is moving? Anybody know God's moving. Come on, he's moving Rockpoint Reaching. This is a celebration of what God is doing, and our part in it. This week we had a gathering called God Lives Here on the national day of prayer. In fact, I wanted to show some pictures of it, but we didn't get the chance to get them in the slides. So if you're on Instagram, you can actually see some pictures on my page or on PULSE's page. It's just Nick Hall PULSE. But we saw eight people baptized downtown Minneapolis at this gathering this week. We had hundreds of people marching in the streets of Minneapolis, the prayer walks, to pray for peace and victory, and to lift up the gospel. We saw like 27 people give their lives to Christ. In fact, there was a report. There's a Twitter page called the CrimeWatchMpls. And there was a report that said, there's a protest and march going down the streets of Minneapolis. And then like 15 minutes later, it said, "We've received reports. These are Christians praying. And they're going to a church for national day of prayer." And so we just said guilty as charged. We said we are the most civil, we're gonna be the most polite march in downtown. We said, we believe the gospel belongs in every lane, but the prayer march is just gonna be in these few lanes, stay in the other lanes, keep it open for traffic. It's funny, we had people driving by us, bus drivers saying, "Hey, can you pray for me?" We're like, "Yeah." So we're just praying as people were going downtown. It was amazing. Also wanna share a report of just something God's been doing. Last year when COVID hit, my sister had just died of cancer in February of 2020. And so we had been like battling mourning and sadness. And I told a lot of people last year I felt like God had given me a headstart in just the shock of like death and this sadness of what was going on when the pandemic hit. And everybody's like, "What's going on? Am I gonna die? I have a cough. Is this, am I got the plague?" We were just all scared, but I felt like God really gave us the grace to pivot in the midst of everything was shutting down and we just really rallied to share the gospel. And so last year in 10 days, this global event came together from idea to execution. And last year we saw over 100,000 people respond to the gospel over Good Friday and Easter. And so this year we had a little bit more runway, and it was incredible. So these are some pictures of people gathering around the world, in Africa, in India. This is a beauty salon where you could see they got a broadcast there, right in the beauty salon. This next picture is even better. I love these young people in India gathered around a cell phone. Next time your kids compare about the size of your TV. I can send you this picture and you can say, "Hey, come on." But here's the thing. We saw 39 languages, the gospel go out 186 countries, 24 territories. And how many guys know the gospel is still good news. Sometimes I think we forget how good of news it is. This year, we had 200 million people watch the broadcast and 1,149,000 people gave their lives to Christ over Good Friday and Easter week. Can we put our hands together for that? I know that that is like mind-blowing to try to say, what does that even mean? Well, what that means is there was literally, this isn't exact number of people because this many people called in. we actually had 300,000 more people call in that were asking questions. These are all people that were responding to the gospel, giving their lives to Christ. We partnered with call centers around the world, follow up through campus crusade, and the Billy Graham team and other amazing ministries. There was call centers that literally said, they could not keep up with the number of people calling in wanting to give their lives to Jesus. And that program, I mean, we had, I was sharing the gospel, but Francis Chan shared a teaching about reaching the lost. And it was really about God's heart coming and rescuing us and offering us life and salvation. And one of the awesome things is that the biggest response happened in India which if you've been reading the news, that country has been hit pretty hard lately with COVID and there's a shutdown in place. But the local leaders there said, we think one of the reasons this shutdown happened was because everybody was home, stuck home with their television on, and we're able to bring the gospel in. We got on one of the top three stations in India, and we just bought up as much airtime as we could to just deliver the gospel right into living rooms all Easter weekend. And just people are getting saved and set free. So God is moving, and man, we get the chance to be a part of it. So it's incredible. Now there's a quote I wanna begin our time with, and then we're gonna pray. The title of my talk today is Leaving The 99, Leaving The 99. I mentioned Susanna Wesley earlier. Just last week I was in Massachusetts, and I was actually where this picture was taken. This is in North Hampton, Massachusetts. There's a school called Northfield Schools there. And 100 years before this picture was taken, there was a quote by John Wesley, and this was his prayer. He said, "God, would you raise up 100 who fear nothing, but sin, and desire nothing, but God. I care not a straw whether they be clergy or layman, such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on earth." So this was Wesley's prayer. He said, "God, would you raise up 100 who hate sin and fear God, and we will shake the gates of hell?" And he said, I don't care if they're a professional Christian or if they're an everyday Christian, we are all called to make disciples and share the gospel. 100 years later, a guy named D. L. Moody prayed that same prayer. And he gathered 100 young men and women in Northfield, and they call that the beginning of the student volunteer movement. And so I told the first service, I'm praying for 100 this morning out of this church that God would call, and that we would re-up our commitment with God. And say, God, I want you to send me. I want you to use me. Because today, in this morning is less about you hearing, man, Nick is doing this awesome stuff. This is about all of us saying God wants us to go and love people in the name of Jesus. I want you to open up your Bible with me to Luke 15 as we bow our heads. And let's just ask God to speak this morning. God, Lord, a lot of us we've been in church. It feels like our whole life. God, a lot of us, it's easy just to come and hit autopilot and come without any expectation. But Lord, we just want you to change everything this morning. Lord, we pray that it would be as if Jesus you walked in and you looked us in the eye and you invited us to follow you. Lord, I pray that you would speak and that you would move. God, we invite you to your Holy Spirit to bring conviction through your word and bring about change. Lord, if there's anybody in this place or online that doesn't know you, that's hearing my voice. God, I pray that they would know this morning that they are loved and that you are calling them. And that this is the day of salvation. In Jesus' name we pray, and all God's people said. - [Congregation] Amen. - Leaving The 99 is my title this morning, Leaving The 99. Luke 15, we're gonna go there verses one through seven. Verse one, I love how this chapter starts. Says, "The tax collectors and the sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus." Now, anybody go through the Bible and you're like, I love that Jesus is with broken people? Anybody love that? Like we love that, but we often forget that. Like we forget that, yeah, we were the broken one. We were the lost one. We were the prodigal one. We were the judgmental one. Like sometimes we forget, like, do you ever just stop, and remember how far you've come? Sometimes I like to make to-do lists. Anybody make to-do lists? I like to-do lists. I like it. It makes me feel like I have some like purpose and order. And when I make a to-do list, I always, at the top of my to-do list, will put, find the meaning of life. Because no matter what else is on my to-do list, I'm able to knock that baby off, and be like, it's gonna be okay 'cause I got the big one down. In fact, I also will add on mine like find the meaning of life, and then it's like find the one. I'm like, I got her. Thank you, Jesus. And then like, no matter what I have, I'm just like, okay, God's got this, he's gonna do it. I just got to rest in him. But sometimes I think we forget that God has saved us. Jesus is speaking though two audiences. One audience is these lost people: Tax collectors and sinners. Jesus hung out with prostitutes. He hung out with crooked tax collectors. He hung out with dirty fishermen, and he hung out with politicians who weren't always the best people. He hung out with everybody. And then Jesus also hung out with religious people. It says the other group, verse two, is standing there in judgment. Says, "The Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, 'This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.'" Now, if you wanna know where the judgmental Christians are, hop on Facebook, you can find them. In fact, just go to my comments section. Listen, it's crazy. It is crazy the things that Christians will say online that they would never say in person. And I just gotta say shame on us. In this passage, there's two audiences. And I think all of us could probably find ourselves among both places. One, you have the group of people who need Jesus. They know they're sinners, and they're like, "Jesus, we've come because you are the one who has the words of life." I think all of us could relate with that. Whether we know Jesus or we don't, I think you've probably come to church today 'cause you're like, "Man, God, if there's more, I want to know more about it. I don't have it all together. I need you." But we also often find ourselves in a place of judgment where we're saying, "Oh, I can't believe those people. Can't believe they would do that. I can't believe those people go in the city and doing all kinds of stuff. Muttering, angry, bitter. I tell people, listen, my favorite thing about knowing Jesus is also my least favorite thing about knowing Jesus. You say, what do you mean? I said my favorite thing about knowing Jesus is that Jesus welcomes everyone. Even people like me. - [Congregant] Amen. - Can anybody rejoice in that? I have got an amen in the house. Come on. Man, I felt like I was at a Pentecostal church there for a second. He welcomes everybody. Even people like me. Man, amazing grace, how sweet the sound. ♪ Amazing grace ♪ ♪ How sweet the sound ♪ Isn't it just so good? We forget. We forget. And it would do us well to remember. My favorite thing about knowing Jesus is he welcomes everybody even people like me, but my least favorite thing about knowing Jesus is he welcomes everybody even people like them. We all got a them, don't we? Some of our lists of them is long. You know Jesus welcomes everybody even people who don't vote like you. Jesus welcomes everybody even their candidates. Jesus welcomes everybody even those who love differently, marry differently, worship differently, don't worship, even those who hate you. He welcomes everybody. He loves everybody. I tell people, Jesus is the only one that welcomes everyone. Says, "Come to me you who are weary and heavy-laden." You see, we in the church, we try to clean the fish before you get them in the boat. But any fishermen will tell you it don't work that way. You got to get the fish in the boat before you clean the fish. And too many Christians, we get angry at sinners for sinning. And I just got to remind us that sinners sin. That's the job description. Like stop being surprised when somebody who doesn't know Jesus acts like it. They don't know Jesus. And man, but by the grace of God, you would be in the same place. And some of us we know God, and we're just as nasty, just as mean, just as bitter. So many young people tell me how mean Christians are. And I said, God, would you forgive us for being with these religious Pharisees saying, "Oh man, can't believe this. Hanging out with sinners." The call this morning it's a reminder that we are called to Jesus who leaves the 99. Too many of us, we wanna build like a big old Bible camp with the 99. Like we wanna have like a compound 99 Ville 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99. Here we are, man. We just all love the Lord. This is so cool. You love Jesus. I love Jesus. This is awesome. Man, just people who look like us and think like us and vote like us. Oh, this is so great, protecting ourselves from all those sinners. I love following Jesus. He's so great. He's like, wait a second. Am I following Jesus if I'm not friends with sinners? Am I following the guy that came to seek and save the lost if all I do is hang out with the found? How can I say I'm following the guy that went to the cross while I spend my whole life playing it safe? Somebody say preacher's a little intense this morning. Can we, I don't know, how much longer is service, honey? Jesus says to both audiences. He says, I wanna tell you a story about the heart of my father. Verse three, Jesus tells him a parable. He says, I want you to imagine that you have 100 sheep and you lose one. 100 sheep, lose one. He says, wouldn't you leave the 99, I got this underlined, in open country, say open country. - [Congregation] Open country. - See, Jesus is saying things that are supposed to stand out to his hearers that we miss in our western culture. He said, wouldn't you leave the 99 in open country. They would think to themselves, no. They would not leave the 99 in open country. That's nonsense because sheep, they dumb. They scatter. They wander. If you lose one sheep and then you leave the 99 sheep, you're gonna lose 15 sheep. No, what you would do is you would take the 99. You'd grab your friends, say, well you watch the 99 while I go after the one or you take them, and put them in the gate, you'd lock the gate, then you'd go. But Jesus says you leave the 99 in open country and go after the one? You're thinking no way. What's he talking? He's talking crazy. He says in the same way, wouldn't you find that one lost sheep? And then wouldn't you joyfully put it on your shoulders? Again, you're thinking, no. Nobody puts a stinky sheep on their shoulders. That would be very undignified. How could you do such a thing? And then he says, and wouldn't you take that stinky sheep once you get home, and wouldn't you then yell to all of your neighbors, and say "Everybody, party at my house. I found my lost sheep." Again, they're thinking, no, no, this man is nuts. I mean, this is the equivalent to you or me. And let's just be honest. 2020 has been a little rough. Anybody watch a little too much Netflix, the last 12, 18 months. Come on. You got that like rotating things, still watching. You're like stop asking. Don't ask me that. You're trying to get through whatever your show is. You're in it. "Outer Banks" or whatever it is that you're into. You're just, oh, man. And you can't find the remote. You're like, where's the remote. You ain't got like Cheetos crossed on your, and you're like, where, where is it? I can't find the remote. And then you find the remote, and then wouldn't you go outside and you'll, "Everybody. Rejoice with me, I found my lost remote." People will be like, I thought we were moved from far enough from the city. I think we need to go further away, honey. People crazy. Jesus says, this is the heart of my daddy. This is my heart. You're wondering why I'm with the sinners. You're wondering why I'm with the tax collectors because Jesus says, I tell you, verse seven, in the same way there is more rejoicing in heaven. Say more rejoicing. - [Congregation] More rejoicing. - More rejoicing. John Piper said, "The goal of missions is worship." Says, "Missions exist because worship doesn't." And people are worshiping the wrong things they're made to worship. And so we go out and preach the gospel so that they would worship as they were made to worship because all of us worship, but most of us are worshiping the wrong things. Worshiping safety, worshiping comfort, worshiping our bank accounts, worshiping our families. There's even an idolatry of family. We can idolize the wrong thing and it gets in the way of Jesus saying, follow me, follow me, follow me, follow me. And you're like, "Where are you going, Jesus?" He's like, "I'm going the same place I always been going. People are dying without me. And I'm calling you." And you're like, no, you must mean pastor. And he's like, no, pastor can't go to your workplace. They would throw him in jail. You're like, that's right. They would. He would get seriously thrown out. He's like, I'm calling you because you can go. You're like, really me, Jesus? You wanna call me? Yeah, you teenager. Yeah, you stay-at-home mom in your neighborhood full of other parents and families who are hurting and broken and lost. I'm calling you. Jesus says, are you gonna follow me? So our call today is to leave the 99, leave the 99, leave the 99, leave the 99. Go after the one. Three ways I wanna challenge you to leave the 99. Number one, we gotta have a reset of our hearing. We gotta have a reset of our hearing. We gotta have a reset of our hearing. We gotta have a reset of our hearing. We gotta have a reset of our hearing. We gotta have a reset- Can you hear me? You're like called Nick. You're being silly. Listen, can I just say something? I think there is a famine of people being heard. I think the greatest need in our culture today has nothing to do with what we need to tell people and everything to do with whether we're willing to stop and actually listen to them. I mean, I'm an evangelists, like I'm always praying for opportunities and I'm always like looking for people who are lost and I'm always praying that God would use me, and I'm not perfect. I am not perfect. I am a very imperfect man. There's a lot of stuff that God is still working on in my life. But I would tell you as an evangelist, the greatest tool to evangelism is listening. See, we're too busy. We're too busy. I mean, we don't even see the people around us. We are so busy thinking about us. That barista at the coffee shop that is living paycheck to paycheck, and doesn't know if she's gonna make it. That person walking by you on the street, walking their dog. People everywhere just wanting someone to hear them. Jesus says in John 10, he says, "My sheep hear my voice. And they follow me." A couple of weeks ago I was in Arizona, and there was this server and she kept coming, and she was all kind of dressed in dark. And I was doing the normal thing where I was like, "Man, where's my refill? What's with the refill?" We just get so selfish, don't we? Like, "Why hasn't the server come to take my order yet? What's going on?" And I just had to say God like help me to see people as you do. Like I'm not here to be served. Why am I so entitled? And I can just see this girl's like overwhelmed. Like she's probably not paid a lot. She probably had never got good training. I don't know. I don't know where her home life's like, and she comes up and I'm like, "How are you?" And she's like, "What?" I was like, "How are you?" Like, "You're doing a great job. I just want you to know." And she's like, "Oh really? Because I don't think I'm doing a great job." And I was like, "Well, I mean, I just appreciate you. I just want you to know that." She goes back, and the next time she comes, she's like a little overwhelmed. Like, "What's your name?" She says, "My name is Sabrina." And I said, "I can tell like you you're a gifted individual." And she said, "Really?" She goes away, again, comes back. I said, "Sabrina, what's your story." She said, "What?" She goes away and comes back. She says, "I took care of all my tables because I wanted to come back." She sits down, says, "My parents are divorced. And I struggled with all these things. And lately I've just been really getting into different energy. I just think there's a lot of energy out there for me." I said, "I think there's a lot of energy out there for you too, Sabrina." She said, "I've really been asking like for higher powers." And I was like, "Sabrina, can I tell you something?" She's like, "What?" I was like, "When you were talking I was like, God loves you." She's like, "Whoa, energy." She tells me more things. And I just told her, I'm like, "Sabrina, I don't need to talk. I'm here to listen. But I just gotta tell you like I'm actually really spiritual as well." She's like, "I knew it." And I said, "Can I tell you something?" She said, "Please." And I said, "Sabrina, listen, I've traveled around the world. And I've been in mosques and temples and churches." And I said, "Can I tell you the secret I found?" She said, "What is it?" I said, "There's power in the name of Jesus." She said, "Really?" I said, "Sabrina, Jesus changes everything." And she says, "I know all kinds of energy." I said, "No, no, no, no, Jesus." I said, "Sabrina, I'm telling you, if you learn about Jesus, if you get a Bible and you get in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. You spend time with Jesus, your life will be changed forever." She's like, "I promise I will. I think we were supposed to meet." I was able to get her information, and try to get her connected. But I'm just telling you there's people all around us hurting and looking. Number two, reset. Leaving the 99 is a reset of comfort, of comfort. You say, "Nick, what do you mean comfort?" I mean comfort. I mean, we are too comfortable. I wanna tell you that one of the enemies of you growing is your comfort. Comfort is the enemy of growth. Complacency is the enemy of revival. We're too content. We're too comfortable. We're too complacent. We're too lazy. We've set the bar so low of what it means to follow Jesus. Just please come, please come, just please come, please come. And it's like, man, Jesus said pick up your cross. He said, if you're not willing to die, you're not worthy of me. I mean, are we willing to get uncomfortable? This is called faith. We're called to live by faith. So many of us live our whole lives so we never need faith. But I'm telling you if you don't live in such a way where you're ever a little nervous, where you're ever like, God, please help. Like then you probably are too comfortable. If you've never given so much that it hurt, I would tell you haven't given. If you've never stepped into a conversation where you don't know the words, then you probably aren't hearing the voice of God. If you're always associated with people who look like you, and think like you, I'm telling you there's growth for you. Eight years ago I was running. I used to run a lot before I kind of hurt my knees, but I was running to get a haircut. And I went to my barber shop in Northeast, and it was closed. It was like first world problems. And I'm like, "Why God? Why?" And it's just like, so I'm running home. And I see this barber pole and I turn in, and it's right on central and Columbia Heights. And I turned into the barbershop, I opened the door and like six Middle Eastern men look at me and it's all Arabic in the wall. I'm like, "No, thank you." Kept running. People are like, "Did you really run?" I'm like, "I did." I had been watching a lot of a show called "24" at the time. And I was not thinking highly of Middle Eastern people. And as I was running away, I felt like the Lord was like, "Hey, big shot evangelist. How's it going? Reaching all those lost people." And it's just like, I didn't give you a spirit of fear. I turned around, I went back in the barbershop and I'm just being honest. Like I was nervous. Why? Because I had some like stereotypes and racism and judgment. They pull up the straight edge razor to do my neck line. I'm like, "Oh God." But these guys have become like some of my best friends. I've been going there for eight years. They hug me. They welcome me. When the pandemic hit, I called Amad. He's my barber. And I said to "Amad, are you okay? Do you need anything? Can we help you?" He said, "Nick, I've been alone in America. But now I know I have a brother." When I finally got to go in again, I bought him a scissors. I was like, "Amad, I brought you a gift." He's like, "Nick, this is the nicest present anybody has ever given me. I will be buried with these scissors." I thought to myself I should have bought the nicer scissors. Such a cheap scape. I'm just telling you like, Amad, doesn't know Jesus yet, but he's going to. But it means us being willing to get uncomfortable. The third thing I wanna tell you is that leaving the 99 means a reset of your tribe. And this is where it gets real for us because, and I want you to hear this as an encouragement. Like a lot of us, I would dare say all of us, we have had judgment in our heart, and we have judged people that we were supposed to love. We've been pointing a finger at people that we should be praying for. We've assumed the worst about people instead of actually getting to know them. And God is inviting us to have our hearts changed. To give us a new heart. That you aren't called to be in this 99, and judge the lost. You're called to join him in rescuing the lost. Now the other invitation is also true. Some of you are here and you've been stuck in sin and shame. And man, there's so much shame in your life. You keep beating yourself up. And even that you're just like, see, I'm not enough. See, you did it again. See, you're a failure. See, you always mess up. See, you're a phony. Maybe you've got some sort of addiction, some sort of struggle. I don't know your story, but I want you to know that Jesus is still in the business of leaving the 99, and going after the one. And that once was you, and that still is you. He's still even right now, leaving the 99 to find you. Jesus, don't you got something better to do? He's like, "You're why I came." I'm gonna have them kill the lights. I just want you to see this. You see, when you get to know Jesus, it's like this light turns on, and you used to live in the dark. And now it's like, man, God, I once was lost, but now I'm found. I once was blind, but now I see and man, it's just so amazing. You're just like, God, you love me. You really love me God. And you're able to sing, Oh God, there's nothing better than you, God. But like the more you know Jesus, the more you realize that you can't know Jesus and not love lost people. You can't. If you love Jesus and you don't love lost people, then you're loving the wrong Jesus. See, at some point your heart starts to change, and you're like God, I wanna join you as you're searching for the one. And you're just like, man, where are you? Where are you? Where are you young person in Roseville thinking about suicide? We want you to know that you are loved with an everlasting love. Where are you stay-at-home mom, depressed. Struggling with pills, and sneaking and drinking in the closet, trying to numb away the pain 'cause your marriage isn't what you wanted. We want you to know that you are loved. Where are you corporate man or woman leaving the 95, thinking that this is it, building your treasure. And you're just wasting away. You are loved. Where are you? Where are you? See, I believe Jesus is still looking and he's still wanting to use us to call, to bring him the worship that his father desires. To say, God, we're gonna bring the lost and the least, and the last to you daddy. 'Cause God, you paid for 'em. And you died on the cross for us. I want you to bow your heads and close your eyes. If you're here and you're saying, man, I need Jesus. I need Jesus. I need Jesus. I need Jesus. I think there's people here this morning you've known Jesus a long time, but this morning you're like, man, I need a fresh touch from Jesus. That he would send me out. You're like, man, I've been living for myself and I wanna be sent out. I want to live to leave the 99 and go after him with the ones. If that's you, I want you to stand right where you are. Don't think about it. You just stand up, you feel your heart beating. And you're like, man, I've been selfish. And man, there's been judgment in my heart. I just want you to stand. I know it's weird. I know we're in the Midwest. I know this ain't normal. You stand. You just stand right where you are. And you're like, God, I want more of you. I wanna be more like you. I wanna follow you. Man, how can we be bold out there if we're not willing to stand in here? This is the home team. Maybe you're out there, and you're saying, man, I need Jesus. I need to get right with God this morning. You don't need to explain it to me. You're just standing and saying, "God, I wanna follow you." I wanna join your mission. I wanna enlist. I'm saying here am I, God, use me. Send me to my workplace. Send me to my neighborhood. Give me boldness. I wanna remind you that the Holy Spirit is God's antidote to fear. And when we put our trust in Jesus. He told us it's better for us that he leaves because he's gonna give us the Holy Spirit, and we're gonna receive power to be a witness. This faith was never meant to keep to yourself. And so this morning, we're just standing, God. And we're saying forgive us and fill us. Forgive us and fill us. Forgive us and fill us. Send us out, God. Send us out, God. Send us out, God. Send us out, God. I wanna lead us in a prayer. I want you all to pray with me. This is just a simple prayer of confession. Just confessing what we know about Jesus. I want everybody to stand with me right now all across this place. Let's just stand. Put your hands in front of you like this. Heads bowed, eyes closed. Just imagine your life. Everything you got, your kids, your marriage, your job, your money, your past, your present, your future. And I wanna invite you in this moment just to give it to the Lord. No holding back. No holding back. Do not be like Ananias and Sapphira pretending to give God everything while hoarding it away. I want you to pray out loud with me like this. Say, dear God. - [Congregation] Dear God. - I need you, - [Congregation] I need you. - In my life. - [Congregation] In my life. - Forgive me - [Congregation] Forgive me - For living for myself. - [Congregation] For living for myself - Forgive me - [Congregation] Forgive me - For my sin. - [Congregation] For my sin. - I believe in Jesus. - [Congregation] I believe in Jesus. - That he died on the cross. - [Congregation] That he died on the cross. - He rose from the grave. - [Congregation] He rose from the grave. - That he is alive. - [Congregation] That he is alive. - Thank you. - [Congregation] Thank you. - For accepting his sacrifice. - [Congregation] For accepting his sacrifice. - His death. - [Congregation] His death. - For my death. - [Congregation] For my death. - His life. - [Congregation] His life. - For my life. - [Congregation] For my life. - Fill me with your Holy Spirit. - [Congregation] Fill me with your Holy Spirit. - Help me to follow you. - [Congregation] Help me to follow you. - Help me to be a witness. - [Congregation] Help me to be a witness. - Help me to leave the 99. - [Congregation] Help me to leave the 99. - In Jesus' name we pray. - [Congregation] In Jesus name we pray. - We pray that God moved in and through you today in a powerful way. I wanna invite all of you up on the screen. We're gonna put the word "Text Believe". And if you have made a decision to trust Christ as savior and Lord, all you gotta do is text that number, and we'll be in contact with you. So we're gonna go ahead and leave that up on the screen. I also wanna invite all of you to make sure you look inside of this brochure. There are some next steps for you to get involved in going whether that's locally and also globally as well. And please go out into the gathering area. Take a look at the opportunities before you. If you would like prayer, our prayer partners are gonna be back and Nick and I will be up in front. We'd love to visit with you and pray with you as well. And moms make sure as you leave, you get your missionary maker pin. That's just an awesome gift from us to you to remind us to go and share our faith. God bless as you go serve in this week.