- Hey, good morning church. - [Audience] Good morning. - It is so painful watching yourself like that, right? And the pain continues for you 'cause you got 30 more minutes of doing the same. Man, I feel sorry for all of you guys. Hey, it's great to be here. We wanna continue our study through the book of Proverbs about living wisely. Invite you to take your Bibles this morning, if you brought it and turn it to Proverbs Chapter 3:34. Proverbs 3:34. Proverbs 3:34, we read these words. Toward the scorners or boastful God is scornful or he opposes. But to the humble he gives favor. Proverbs 3:34. And then James and Peter pickup and quote that passage in their letters by using it this way; in James 4:6 we read these words. But he, God gives more grace. Therefore it says, God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. And then 1 Peter 5:6 we read these words; humble yourselves, therefore under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time, he may exalt you. Now we saw last week and I used the illustration last week using my bicycle. We saw last week, the bad news about pride and humility, this hard dynamic that we all deal with, right? Let me turn the slide, here we are. All right, and so I told you last week that biking is kind of like living the Christian life. There are two factors when you're biking, there's the ups and downs, the elevation changes and then there's also the wind speed and direction. Those are the two things that you're really interested as a biker. You like going up, you like going down, not so much up, right? And you like to go with the wind, not against the wind. And we saw last week that when we're living for pride, when we're living for ourselves, when we're living in self's dependence, it's like going against the wind of God's grace. His grace opposes my pride and my pride opposes His grace. It's hard going, right, as a biker and as a Christ follower. When we're living in our heart, depending upon ourselves, we're going against the grace of God and God's grace resists us. Which is actually good news because his whole purpose is to change our heart around like this, right? So that our hearts and our life and our biking is heading in the direction of humility. We're heading and pursuing, not in trusting ourselves, but in trusting the Lord Jesus for his life to be lived out in and through us, through the person of the holy spirit. And so this morning we're gonna talk about what it means to live this life of humility, all right? Let me put my bike away. Let's turn that fan off. Actually, it feels kind of good. Anybody like that fan going on? Here we are. All right, we're gonna look at three things this morning after we do a just a quick review of what we looked at last week. We saw three heart truths. First of all, we saw last week that we're all born with a sinful heart. A heart that is bent towards ourselves, worshiping him ourselves rather than the dependence upon the Lord Jesus, right? We also saw, secondly, that our heart becomes new when we trust Jesus as our savior. You're here this morning. If you have put your faith in the Lord Jesus, as your personal savior as the one who died in the cross and rose again, God has given you a new heart in which his spirit lives in. If you have not yet trusted Christ and Christ alone as your savior, you could do that right now. And you could get a whole new heart that loves the Lord Jesus, that wants to trust and that wants to pursue this life of humility rather than pursuing this life of pride and self-sufficiency. That comes only through personally trusting Jesus. We saw also last week that as Christ followers, those of us who have made that decision, we have a choice to live every day, 24/7 a choice of either in my day of trusting what I call my unholy self or pride or trusting in the person of the holy spirit; surrendering and depending upon his enabling presence in my life. We also saw last week, some trues about pride. We saw that pride is basically that dependence upon myself, putting myself above God. It's that self fullness. We also saw, secondly, another truth about pride is that pride is something that we're all afflicted with, whether you're aware of it or not you are afflicted with this issue of pride. Thirdly saw that pride is nuanced, right? It's complicated. It's complicated for us to see in the world it's complicated for us to relate to it in our own hearts. And then lastly, we saw that it's hard to detect in our own lives, but it's easy to see in others. I see pride in your life, but it's hard for me to see pride in my own heart. That is just messed up, right? And yet that's what we all live and experience. We also saw last week, some pride consequences, or the consequences of pride. And we looked at five different areas. We saw that in relationship to God, my pride angers Him and it robs Him of his glory concerning my heart, pride heart is my heart. Concerning Satan, when I living for pride, my heart is aligning with Satan's purposes of opposing God and his will in this world. Another area that we see the consequences of pride is in our relationships. And what did I say last week? Pride destroys relationships, right? And then lastly, in terms of our humanity, God created us a certain way and my pride denies the purpose of our being created as human beings. And I mentioned last week that we were created in our humanity to live as empty vessels, fully filled up and dependent upon the Lord Jesus, that Jesus is life, God's life would be in me and lived out and through me, into a world who needs him. And yet when my life is full of myself, when I'm full of pride and dependence and reliance upon myself, there's no room for God's life to be filling me and to be displaying itself through me to others. That's what attracts atrocity, right? It's a denial of our humanity. Well, we're gonna do three things this morning. First of all, we're gonna look at Jesus's humility. And first of all, turn in your Bibles, if you would to John 5:19. John 5:19. Four simple truths about Jesus's humility. Jesus's humility is the example of what true humility is all about. And so we learn about humility by looking at Christ's life. When you read the gospels of the Lord, Jesus; Matthew, mark, Luke and John, you will see that the defining characteristic of his heart and his life was that he was approachable to people. People like to hang around him. Even the most difficult of people, even his enemies kind of found Jesus as a winsome individual, welcoming individual. That is the definition or the description or the evidence of his humble heart. Now I think the best definition of humility, we see in John's Gospel, and that definition is this; Jesus joyfully surrendered to and relied upon his father. That's what humility is. It's a surrendered, a joyful surrenderedness to the person of Jesus Christ. Humility is when I'm joyfully surrendered to Jesus and I'm trusting in the holy spirit to bring the life of Jesus online in my life. That's humility. So Jesus said in John 5:19, "Truly, truly I say to you, the son can do nothing of his own accord." What an amazing statement, but only what he sees the father doing, for whatever the father does that the son does likewise. And then in John 5:30, Jesus goes on. He says, "I can do nothing of my own. As I hear, I judge and my judgment is just because I seek not my own will, but the will of him who sent me." Now, if anybody on this planet could literally have rightly said, "I'm living according to my own will, I'm seeking my own thing," it would have been the Lord Jesus, right? But he chose not to live that way, why? Because he wanted to give to us as the second Adam, as the true man, what it means to truly live as a human being in relationship with our heavenly father. God created us to live in total dependence upon himself. And yet we choose not to live in dependence upon him, but we trust in ourselves, right? We keep trusting in ourselves and we've lived this independent life with arrogance and we become... And because of that, we try to live in a way that God never created us therefore we become insecure, right? We're wild, wild. And I compare myself, I contrast myself, I see you're doing it better than me. I feel bad about myself, right? And so Jesus shows us that true humility is joyfully surrendering to the father, relying upon him so that he can be living his strength and his life and his power through us. Six other times in John's Gospel Jesus uses that same thought. The second truth about Jesus's humility is that he gave himself for sinners. You know, humility is real in your life when you as an individual live humbly with the people around you who least deserve it, who are most difficult. You know, humility is real when you are living that way with the most difficult people around you who are least deserving of humility from you. That's when you know it's real. We see that in Jesus. Jesus was known as the friend of tax collectors and sinners. He himself said in John 10:45, "For even the son of man came not to do his own thing, not to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many." And so Jesus came and gave himself for sinners. Humility is displayed not... It is displayed towards God, that is true. But the rubber meets the road is if, can I be humble before people? Is humility being manifest? Do you receive my heart as a humble person or not? That's where true humility is tested and found to be true or not, all right? Jesus shows us that. The third truth about humility in Jesus's life is that he gained more by surrendering all. You would think that Jesus surrendering all lost it all, but actually by surrendering all of his will and surrendered dependence upon his father, Jesus gained more than he lost. He lost control, right? But what did he gain? He gained the father doing a supernatural, eternal things in and through his life. We read in Philippians 2:5-9 who the Lord Jesus though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God, a thing to be grasped or held onto, but he made himself nothing. He made himself nothing. Description of humility, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men and being found in human form. He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death. True humility leads to obedience, right? Humility before God and before others will allow me to walk in obedience to the will of my father in relationships with other people, right? So Jesus lost a lot, he sacrificed a lot, but what did he gain? Because he surrendered his right to do his own thing and follow the will of the father, which was so in a sense, truly his will, as the son of God, what did he gain? He gained the father doing supernatural redemption, eternal redemption through his life that has affected all of history and all of eternity. When you and I choose the way of humility, God has the capacity then in and through our lives to do the supernatural, impossible things, which only he can do and accomplish that will impact eternity. So though we lose something, though there's a sacrifice there's always a net gain. The way up is always the way down because his math is real. Fourth thing that we see about Jesus's humility. It's just who he is. This is the truth that really grabs my heart. It's just who he is. Now I have to confess that even though I have a new heart and the spirit of God lives within my heart, because of my flesh, because of the power of sin, because of pride is still a part of my life my natural bent, my first step usually is towards self-sufficiency, self-reliance, pride, independence from God, trusting myself and then a lot of times, insecurity because I must screw up in all those things I'm trying to do it on my own, right? Jesus wasn't that way. His first bent, his only bent his natural bent was humility. And here's the good news. Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said, "Come to me all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." Take my yoke upon you and learn from me. Surrender to me, yield yourself to me. Link yourself to me, learn from me for I am, here's the definition. My heart is gentle and lowly, or humble, in heart. And you will find rest for your souls. You will find empowerment for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. So when I turn away from self-reliance and self-dependence and leaning to this fine life in myself, and I turn to the Lord Jesus and his humility and his life in me, when I surrender to him, what he does is he works out that natural humility of himself in and through my life. And so if you see humility in me in any way, you can definitely say that's Jesus. That's Jesus living in and through Kevin. All right, that is the Lord Jesus, his life living out in and through me. So Jesus wants to live his humility to me. There's some statements or mantras that I use. Jesus wants to impart his humility through me, and to me. He is my example, but he wants to impart his life. He wants to live his life through me and in me. He doesn't want me just to copy his example of humility 'cause I can't do that, consistently, for very long. And the fruit of it it's always self flavored, right fleshly, self tinted. But when Jesus lives his humility in me that's not true because it's his humility lived out in and through our lives. So the second thing we wanna look at this morning though, is killing pride. I mentioned last week in Romans 8:12-13, there's this wonderful statement from the Apostle Paul. He says in Romans chapter 8:12-13, "So then brothers, we are debtors not to the flesh to live according to the flesh for if we are living according to the flesh, you will die." So if I'm living in dependence from myself or if I'm living for pride, even as a Christ follower, I will experience a deathlike experience. I will not experience the power of the holy spirit ministering in me and through me, I will be on my own in a sense. And that experience is called a deathlike experience. But Paul goes on, "But in contrast, if by the spirit you put to death, the deeds of the body, or you kill sin, literally in the translation, you will live, you will experience life." And so we had this command from scripture that we are to kill pride. But again, as we mentioned last week, we don't have the power in our own strength to kill pride. Something has to happen and what that something is, is a who, the person of the holy spirit. He hates my pride, the holy spirit who lives in my heart as a follower of Jesus, who knows me intimately and deeply he sees and knows every ounce, every fiber of pride in me, every flavor of pride, I don't have to do an assessment, he didn't have to, he says, because he knows me. He knows you and he hates it. And he's seeking to kill that prideful, dependence upon ourselves so that we would rather trust in him. So there's this cooperative with the holy spirit that we need to have. So what does God wanna do? He wants to kill pride. How does he do that? Through the holy spirit. So remember that last week I gave you this illustration, how pride is the Fountainhead of the source of all of these other negative heart dynamics. Pride is what leads to impurity and jealousy and so forth. The holy spirit, he knows all flavors of pride and the evidences of pride in your life. And he wants to reveal that to you but he also wants to replace that by showing you those things so that you would turn away from that and turn towards him and trusting him and surrendering and depending upon him. Kill pride by cooperating, partnering saying yes to the holy spirit who alone sees and knows the flavor of pride in your heart at any moment and is seeking to replace it with Jesus's humility, right? That's what it means to walk in the spirit, to live in the spirit, to be filled with the spirit. Don't grieve the holy spirit, all of those commands in our relationship to the person of the holy spirit who lives in us are real. He is real. The second truth about killing pride is we do it by cultivating humility. And that's another key passage in First Peter, Chapter Five. And in 1 Peter 5:5 Peter says at the end of verse five, "Clothe yourselves, all of you with humility toward one another for God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." Then verse six, "Humble yourselves, therefore under the mighty hand of God so that the proper time he may exalt you." So there's two commands here. Verse five, clothe yourself, clothe yourself. The second command, verse six, humble yourself. All right, clothe yourself, verse five the purposes is what? In verse five, what's the purpose? That we would live with humility toward one another. That's the purpose. God created you so that he, through his son, living in you through the person of the holy spirit, he would display Jesus's humility through you to others. Period, that's the purpose. If they need to hear the gospel, that they would hear the gospel from you. If they need encouragement, they would hear encouragement. Whatever people around you need, Jesus knows and he wants to display that and do that through you. As we put on this clothing of humility, clothing yourself with the purpose of having Jesus's humility displays to others. Reason, 'cause God opposes my prideful heart and he wants to assist and encourage and empower this life of humility. Then verse six, "Humble yourselves, therefore under the mighty hand of God." A better translation of that goes something like this. Allow yourselves to be humbled by God's mighty hand. I can't humble myself. In the Greek language, the tents there tells you, you can't do that. What's to be humbled? Allow God to humble us literally is what that verse says in the original Greek language. Allow God to humble you. Partner with God's purpose to humble you. There's a part in it, but we in ourselves can't humble our own hearts, only God can do that. And he does that, the means by which he does that Peter says, is by his mighty right hand. Now God's mighty right-hand can be viewed a lot of different ways. I choose to look at it two ways. Number one, God's mighty right-hand is an empowering hand. It's an enabling hand. He is enabling me, empowering me towards a life of humility. It takes God's mighty hand to take a prideful person like me and to have any display of humility in and through my life. It takes his mighty hand to do that. It's huge, he just would speak the universe with just words, but it takes his mighty hand to create humility in our hearts. The second way I see that God's mighty hand, not only empowers, but we'll see at the end of our time this morning, sometimes he has to correct or discipline our hearts and our lives to get our attention. So kill pride, kill pride. There's two tools that God uses; the cross and the person of the holy spirit. Grace display to the cross of the Lord Jesus, his death, his resurrection alone has the power to confront my pride, as a Christ follower. It's true definitely as a non-believer, but as Christ followers, these things are still true. It takes the cross and to live daily by the power of the cross. The cross is steel bearing fruit as Paul says in Colossians 1:6, the gospel is still bearing fruit in your life. It's still confronting my pride and encouraging and empowering and motivating me towards this life of humility. As I joyfully surrender to the holy spirit, who alone can bring it online, okay? Kill pride, can you do it? No. Can God do it? Yes, that's why I said last week, expect Jesus to use his grace to kill pride in your heart. I've heard people say, "I'm just a proud person. Nothing is gonna change." Really? Wow, okay. Yeah, well, how's that going when you tell God that? What's his response? Right, you're basically saying your pride is stronger than God's mighty right hand. Do you really wanna say that, do you really wanna go there? No, right. Thirdly, cultivating humility. So Jesus's humility that he is, that he wants to live in and through my life, we have the command to kill pride that we can't do it in our own strength. He has to do it as we cooperate with the holy spirit as we now cultivate humility, three simple thoughts; live the not I, but Christ's life. Galatians 2:20; key verse for me. I've been crucified with Christ. It's no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. In the life which I now live in this body I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. Live the not I, but Christ life. It's an exchange life. When Jesus said in John 15, "Abide in me you know, I'm the vine, you're the branches stay connected to me." That's this idea of not I, but Christ. And so that's the mantra that I use. Not I, but Jesus not I, but... This life is not about me, it's about Jesus. Don't look at me, look at him. It's an exchanged life. His life lived in me and through me. And so when I fail, my pride is what causes me to fail. But really the cause of my failure is always my flesh. But the cause of my failures, is I choose not to trust Jesus, but I trust myself to live the life. It's putting my trust in my unholy self rather than in the person of the holy spirit. That is the heart. That's the point where Jesus has me right now. Just dealing with this issue at a heart level of pride and humility. In Philippians 1:21 for me to live as Christ is to die is gain. Be Christ centered, it's about him for to me to live as Jesus. it's his humility, it's his life, it's not mine. I don't have it, he does. He's the humble one. I'm not, I never will be. And if there's any flavor of that in my life, it's him living in and through me that not I, but Christ living through me. The hardest thing of the Christian life is to try to do something that God doesn't want us to try to do. And we spend a lot of our energy trying to do this thing of being pleasing to God in our own strength. And God says, "Why are you so tired?" And His answer is, "Because you're trying it the wrong way." It's not a life of trying harder. It's not a life of recommitting and trying to do better, it's a life of surrender, joyful surrender. I can't, but you can. And you will, as I trust you to live in me and through me. Another way to cultivate humility in my life is to see myself as Jesus sees me. Identity, it's huge, identity. Who are you, how do you see yourself? You know the reality is, you don't need a mirror to see yourself. We all see ourselves really well. We're all this self-talk and all this conversation that we have in our head, right? We have certain views of ourself, usually not very helpful. I discourage that main way of getting your identity. Get your identity rather than in scripture. Paul said in First Corinthians 13:10, "By the grace of God, I am what I am. And his grace toward me, did not prove vain or empty." Then he goes on to talk about what the grace of God was doing in his life. And so I have to continuously give myself to believing who I am, what scripture says. Remember I told you about Ben and Monty in my little video, those guys that discipled me. One of the first things they ever did was, "Kevin, you need to start memorizing scripture." "What, I hate memorizing." "No, you need to memorize scripture." Galatians 2:20, was the first verse I ever memorized. Then 2 Corinthians 5:17 then Romans 3:23 and then Romans 5:8. And the list goes on and on and on. And these guys who are discipling me, who were mentoring me, was spending weekly time with me in an accountable relationship were telling me that the biggest investment in my life was to get the word of God into my heart, into my mind so that the spirit of God could use that same word for the rest of my life. What a deal? Some of you are investors, right? Investment bankers, right? You talk about good return on your investment. What a deal for you? Spend some time, energy and effort getting the word of God into your mind, into your heart through meditation and the spirit of God will use that for the rest of your days. In Christ I'm seen, I'm loved, I'm forgiven. I'm known, I'm heard, I'm accepted. All those things come from just Bible verses. Lastly, be amazed at grace in the weakness of myself. Be amazed at grace, all right. Humility is cultivated in my heart when I see my sinfulness, that is a true statement. That is a true statement. When I see my sinfulness, either if I'm repentance, it will turn myself a little bit away from pride towards humility. That's a true statement. It's not God's main way. It's not plan A, that's plan B. Plan A is, God wants to cultivate humility in your life not by seeing your own sinfulness, though that is true but by seeing the humility of the Lord Jesus. By seeing the Lord Jesus who lives in your heart as a follower of Jesus, and then learning to hear his voice, see what he is doing, surrendering your will to his will, wanting what he wants, and then trusting him to do those things in and through you. That's how humility, true humility is formed and cultivated and developed. Peter, Luke 5:8, he had just seen seen Jesus help him do this miraculous catch of fish. Just when Peter saw this miraculous catch of fish that Jesus enabled him to do fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Depart from me for I am a sinful man, oh Lord." Peter was broken by his own sinfulness, secondarily. Peter was primarily broken of his own pride and his own self-reliance because of the glory of Jesus in catching fish. When there were no fish, now there were fish. It was the grace of Jesus, it was the presence of Jesus it was the working of Jesus in a way that Peter understood as a fisherman that grabbed his heart and changed him in a beginning way. And you see that through Peter's life again and again and again, Jesus would continue to reveal himself and break Peter of his self dependence and to motivate in a desire in Peter, toward this humility, this Christ life in him. Grace is not a substance or a saying, a lot of times people say, "I just need more grace." And I say, "What do you mean by that?" It's not a thing, it's not a substance. You don't pour it out. Grace is a person, it's Jesus. He is, John chapter One, grace and truth were United in the very person of Jesus. Jesus is the grace of God to us. So when I say I need more grace, what I'm saying is I need more Jesus in my life. I need him to be alive and living his life in and through me. All right, next steps. Let's just finish this bad boy off, all right? Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less. You've heard that phrase. It's a great phrase, it's a helpful phrase. It is a biblical phrase, it's not a scripture and I would add to that. It's thinking of yourself less because you're thinking of Jesus more, all right? That's what I would add to that phrase, all right. Four simple thoughts. Give God all the credit for your salvation. I'm saying give your four passes. There's four times in the Bible it talks about don't boast in yourself, don't live for pride, but rather allow God's humility to be at work in your life, all right? 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, the Apostle Paul says, "He didn't choose you because you're a great person. God chose you because you're nobody." He chose you because you can't. And he put you in Christ who is salvation and justification for you and to you for all eternity so that, two times in those verses, so that you will not boast in yourself but you'd boast to him. So you would not boast in yourself, but you'd boast in Him. So give God all the credit for all aspects of your salvation. It's a great place to start. Second of all, surrender all to God's sovereign care. God is still working in your life, he is. If you become a follower of him through personal faith in Jesus, he owns you. You're his property, he's all over what is happening in your life. He knows you, he's thinking about you always constantly seeking to reveal his son Jesus, more and more in you for the person of the holy spirit who dwells in you so that he can reveal Christ through you to others. In all of that, he's at work sovereignly. James 4, remember James said, we went through James, you're making plans, you go, "Hey, next year or next day, I'm gonna do this plan and do this plan and do that." And James says, "Yeah, you don't even know you're gonna be alive." You might wanna go like, "God, if I'm alive, maybe we'll do this, what do you think? Are you in on that?" "Sure." So this is a surrender to the God's sovereign care over my life. Thirdly, live out the gospel in our relationships. Colossians 3, and then if you wanna memorize the chapter, I remember when those guys challenged me, "Memorize Colossians 3," it has born so much good food in my life. Colossians 3:12-14, just in the middle section there, "Put on," Paul says, "Put on hearts of compassion, humility, a forgiving heart." In your relationships to others, put that on. And then verse 14 says, "And beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity." So as you relate to other people put on this gospel, this Jesus's humility in you and through you, put that on. And lastly, choose service over selfishness. Choose service over selfishness. Every day I have to choose service over selfishness. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceive but with humility of mind, let each of you regard others as more important than yourselves. Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also look out for the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-5. Choosing service, not selfishness, all right. And one last slide I wanna show you. All right, bring my bike back. All right, so I'm doing this, boom, right? I'm going into the wind. Am not gonna turn on 'cause it just makes too much noise. I'm going into the wind. I'm making this noise and God wants to turn my heart around. Now ultimately the only thing that turns my heart around is repentance, right? So is repentance a good thing, yes or no? - [Audience] Yes. - Is it a privilege? Yes, should I be living a repentant life every day? Absolutely. Because I sin and pride every day. Every day I need to, throughout the day, I need to keep on like this. How does he get me to do this? Two ways; the spirit's conviction and the father's correction. The spirit's conviction and the father's correction, John 16, we learn about the holy spirit. He brings conviction into our heart. He confronts our pride, right? He confronts our pride. He uses people, he uses the word of God He uses circumstances, he uses promptings. The holy spirit is constantly speaking to your heart 'cause he lives in your spirit. He speaks to you and he's giving you promptings using the word of God, using it through other people's reproofs or corrections circumstances to get me to do this. Now, if I don't repent through the spirit's convictions, then what comes down? Guess, it's on the screen. My father, who's a good father who loves to disciple me and discipline me, he does just that, he corrects me. You read Romans 12:5-11 it's pretty strong. And he corrects us so that we would repent. And it's a good thing. Father, I wanna thank you this morning for being that kind of father to us. Father, I asked for anyone who's here this morning or online this morning or in the warehouse this morning, who is still outside of Jesus. And I pray father that you would show them that the cross of the Lord Jesus, that you died for their sins. You rose again to pay the full penalty of their sins and you are offering them the forgiveness of all their sins, eternal life as a free gift to be received by faith. In the holy spirit I pray right now that you'd bring that individual to that decision point of saying, "Yes, Jesus, I'm a sinner, but I believe that you died for me and you rose again for me. You paid the penalty for my sin and I receive you. I trust you and you alone as the only hope of my eternal salvation. And I receive you into my life right now." Father, I pray that you would bring new life, a new heart into those hearts that are needing that this morning. And father, I also wanna thank you for the way you're a great father. You are a good father and you use all kinds of means to turn our hearts away from pride self-reliance, self-dependence, self worship so that we would turn our hearts and open our hearts Lord Jesus to you, your humility, your living your life in us and through us. I thank you for that father. Father, we ask that you would continue to show us that repentance is a good thing. That we would all agree that pride is the thing that I deal with and humility is the thing that I can't produce in my life, but I want, and I pursue it and I'm seeking this life of humility. Namely you Lord Jesus, living your life in me and through me. I want to do the right thing, father, but in myself I can't. And so Lord Jesus, I trust you. Holy spirit, I trust you to bring into my daily experience, what I cannot produce in my own, but you can and will produce through me and in me for the father's glory and for the benefit of the people around me and for the joy that I find in you when I experienced you living Lord Jesus in and through my life. Amen.