- Oh you guys, this is amazing, I gotta tell you this. Okay, so you know that lame beggar who sits outside of the beautiful gate at the temple, right, he's been there forever. I mean, even if you're not calling him in the mind right now you know who I mean, you've gone by him 100 times if you've gone in the beautiful gate. He was born lame and every day his family brings him to the same spot outside the temple, where he spends the day begging for alms so that he can get a few coins to feed himself and his family. Well, if you went to temple yesterday through the beautiful gate you didn't see him, you didn't see him. You wanna know why? Here's why. So a couple of days ago, Peter and John, these two men who are disciples of this man called Jesus, who you probably have heard of. Jesus is the one who claimed to be the Son of God, the Romans crucified Him. They say that three days later He was resurrected and then a month after that, He was taken up into the clouds. This Jesus, Peter and John are disciples of this man. So they're going into the temple, at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer. They see the beggar sitting there and he calls them over. So they walk over to him. Peter gets right down in his face. He says, "Look at me, look at me. "I don't have any money." Well, the guy rolls his eyes, I mean why wouldn't he. 150 people walk by him every day without giving him money but very few people have the audacity to get right in his face and tell him they don't have any money. But Peter goes on, he says, "I don't have silver and I don't have gold "but what I do have, I'm gonna give to you. "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk." Well, what would you do? What would you do? I think I'd laugh. The beggar, he just sat and stared at Peter. So Peter grabbed him by one arm, John grabbed him by the other. They lifted him up off the ground and as his legs unfolded from beneath him, by the time his feet touched the ground, he was healed. He could walk! This man, 40 years a cripple was walking. So Peter and John turned away and they go to walk into the temple, he says, "I'm coming with you." And together, the three of them walked into the temple through the beautiful gate while he is walking and leaping and praising God. And there were hundreds of people in the temple who saw this. So I'm here to tell you this is not the last time you're gonna hear this story. And in fact, you should consider telling this story because it's true, it really happened. Beloved our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a miracle working God and quite possibly this man Jesus, who claimed to be His son was telling the truth. Amazing, amazing. - Thanks brother Todd. Hey, good morning church. I invite you to take your Bibles and turn to Acts chapter three, where we find the truth that Todd just described to us. Welcome to those of you who are in the warehouse, welcome to those of you who are online. We're glad that you're here with us. Just a quick note about the Legacy Imperative Summit that Ken Larson spoke about and the video was about, to sign up for that, just go online to our website you'll find a tab there, click in it and you can sign up online for that for the November 5th and 6th. I hope to see many of you here for that time. Well, this morning, we wanna continue our study through the book of Acts. We're seeing how the Lord Jesus wants us to live as His witnesses and as we partner with Him, He does amazing things in accomplishing His kingdom activity and building His church here on earth. We saw a couple of weeks ago in Acts chapter two, based upon the promise that we saw several weeks ago in Acts chapter one that Jesus had foretold that you will be enabled to be my witnesses in Acts 1:8 we read, "'But you will receive power,' "Jesus said, 'When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, "'when you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem "'and Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.'" And that's exactly what happened. A few days later in Acts chapter two when the spirit descended, we saw that two weeks ago and the church was born and the disciples, they were filled with the Holy Spirit, they were baptized with the Holy Spirit, they were enabled by the person of the Holy Spirit, who Jesus was now manifesting His presence in and through their lives, through the spirit who lived within them now. Then we saw last week that often to live as witness means that we get to open our mouths and we get to speak and share and tell amazing truths and stories and sometimes it involves even preaching as we saw Peter last week in Acts two preach this awesome message basically. He stood up in Acts 2:14 he says people, the crowd who were amazed at the tongue speaking, he says, "We're not drunk." And he goes on to preach that Jesus is the Christ is the Messiah. He's the Lord, He's the son of God who became the son of man who died in a cross because you killed Him and God raised Him from the dead and any who had believe, anyone who had repent of their sin and put their trust in the Lord Jesus will be saved and 3000 people plus responded. God used Peter to speak to the masses. We read in the end of chapter two verse 46, "Day by day, attending the temple together, the disciples "and breaking bread in their homes. "They were praising God and having favor with all the people "and the Lord added to their number "those who were being saved." Well this morning, we're gonna see that this living as a witness of Christ, living as His witnesses sometimes involves us partnering with Him. Not only preaching or telling or sharing, but often it's partnering. And one of the key ideas I want us to be aware of this morning is that living as a witness of Jesus is 24/7. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, if you've been born again of His Spirit through faith in Him as your only hope of eternal life, you are His witness. The only question is how good of a witness are you? What kind of a testimony is your life giving to those around you, where you live, work and play? That's the question. And yet, once in a while, the Father gives us an opportunity to share, to speak in the Word and scripture it's to evangelize, to tell good news. Once in a while we get to do that, but we are 24/7 witnesses whether we like it or not, whether we lean into that or not, we are. And so we're gonna see this morning in verses one through three, the interruptions hopefully become opportunities, in the verses four through 10, that the Father wants to bring this divine appointments into our lives and we'll talk about what that means. And then lastly, and just briefly in verses 11 through 16, we'll finish that next week, we wanna see how those witnesses give. And because we partnered, sometimes the Father gives us opportunities to open our mouths and to give a witness as to what He has done. And in this passage, I want you to see three things, to be impressed by three things. Jesus is exalted, the crowd is indicted and lives are changed, all right? Jesus is exalted, it's about Him, the crowd is indicted and we'll talk about what that means, but we're gonna see lives and change. 3000 people earlier, today it's an individual. The Father is concerned about all masses, Jesus taught effectively the masses, but He also cared and loved and served and brought truth and life to the individual. Good news for us. So in your Bibles chapter three verse one, we're gonna see this interruption or opportunity in the first three verses and it says, "Now Peter and John were going to the temple." We read in chapter two verse 46 that was their normal routine. They were used to going to the temple when they were in Jerusalem, they were worshiping Israelites and they would go to the temple three times, nine, noon and 3:00 PM and they would go to the daily prayers. And I think now as followers of Jesus, after the resurrection, they were going for an evangelistic opportunities, to talk about people that this Messiah that they would kind of talk, that the Israelites were hoping would come. He's come, He's real, He's now gone, but He came and we missed Him, but you can have Him if you would trust Him. And so the thing about their life, I just want you to know that in the normal routine and the daily routine of life, because they were devoted to Jesus, the Father gives them an opportunity. In your daily routine of life, the Father will bring interruptions that can become potential opportunities for kingdom activity, all right? Nothing special, just normal routine, going to work, living in your neighborhood, being a good neighbor, being a friend, God shows up. In verse two, we see that there's this man, lame from birth as Todd did a great job of impressing upon us. He was laid daily at the gate, this beautiful gate. He was carried there. We know in Acts 4:22 that he was over 40 years old and he was lame from birth, maybe injured at birth or some birth defect. He could never, never did walk, never stood. He was constantly carried and he's at the temple earning a living. And he's there for a long time waiting and hoping for something to maybe be better and different. 40 years is a long time to be carried back and forth. I don't know about you, but I'd get discouraged. I don't know about you but I went through depression in my life over a short period of some difficulties. I can only imagine what this guy would struggle with, day after day, week after week, year after year, getting carried back and forth, back and forth and asking for people to support him to live. I don't know about you, but there are people in our lives who may not outwardly seem as desperate, but are just as desperate in their souls to be seen. And so we read in verse three that seeing Peter and John, as they were walking by this gate as he was laying there, as he was sitting there. He saw them and he began to ask to receive alms that was his job, that's what he did. And I'm sure that Peter and John had seen him before, everyone knew this guy. And so this has probably been many, many requests. Five maybe days earlier, Peter had thrown out some coins to him, maybe he did have a few silver and gold things in his pocket. And Peter knew this and so he makes this request that again and again each time that was his job, that's what he did. As I was thinking about this this week, I was thinking about the times that Jesus was interrupted, 'cause Peter and John would go into the temple to pray, they didn't really wanna do this whole alms giving thing, right? We're going kingdom activity, right? To pray, to maybe share Jesus that He's the Messiah. And again, they get interrupted by this guy who's begging them, who's pointing to them, "Give me hope." Jesus dealt with interruptions really well. Mark chapter five, just one example. In Mark chapter five, we read that Jesus was crossing the sea of Galilee to do some RnR with His disciples. They had just had a really, really busy time and He was crossing there. And as soon as they landed on the other side of the sea of Galilee, there was this demonized man who came to them, screaming and crying out, "You're the Messiah, the Son of God," and Jesus dealt with this interruption as an opportunity from the Father. Even though He went for RnR, He recognized that the Father had brought this man to Him, to minister to, to touch, to change, to heal. And then on the way back, Jesus and the disciples as they come back, we read in the second half of Mark chapter five, that Jairus the synagogue ruler and leader comes to Jesus running and gets in Jesus's face and says, "My daughter is about to die, "you gotta come right now." And Jesus was probably wanting to do some laundry, right? I mean, just been back and He's coming and He's just an interrupted and Jairus says, "You gotta come," and he drags Jesus and Jesus goes willingly. And as He is going with Jairus to touch his daughter, another woman knows that if I just touch the fringe of His garment, Luke five tells us that she knows she'll be healed and she does that. And so Jesus is interrupted while he is interrupted, and He reaches out to the woman and says, "You are healed, who touched me?" And she comes and Jesus not only heals her physically, but spiritually brings truth to her life that sets her free and then He goes on to heal Jairus' daughter. Jesus dealt with interruptions as seeing them as opportunities from His Father, that if He would partner with His Father, the Father would do kingdom things through and with Him. All right. So what happens in verse four, verse four through 10, this divine appointment. Let me define a divine appointment for you. A divine appointment is an opportunity that the Father brings into your life for Him to do kingdom ministry, for Him to do spiritual ministry of some fashion through you and in you and through you to those around you. It's an appointment, it's at a time and place that the father wants to do something special with you, through you to touch someone near you, right? That's a divine appointment. If you've never heard that phrase, it's a great phrase to pray for, Father, give me a divine appointment today. And I really believe that's kind of how Peter and John lived. They lived with that sense. And so we read in verse four, Peter directed his gaze at this man. And as Todd did, notice probably got down on his level and says, "Look at me." And so Peter stops, sees and says. That's what struck my attention in verse four, that Peter, he stopped. He was on his way, he stopped and then he saw the guy, he saw the guy. And I think you saw him before and like I said maybe in the past he had thrown coins at him or whatever. And he said, "Look at us, give us your attention." Interruptions become divine appointments when, how do you finish that sentence? Interruptions become divine appointments when we choose to partner with Jesus, right? We choose to partner with what He's doing around us. We see what He's doing, where's the sense of a need here at hand. And we see that and we stop and we recognize it and we want to be engaged in and with that need. And so in verse five, we read how the guy responded to Peter's command to look at us. And it says that he was expecting to receive something from them, he was expecting to receive some money. That's what he wanted, that's what he was there for, that's what he was asking for and he thought that Peter was gonna give him what he came for, some money. An open door, Colossians 4:3 another great thing to pray for in your prayer life is Father give me open doors. This guy was open to being served and having truth shared to him. Often the Father uses physical needs in people's lives to show them an opportunity for spiritual truth to be given. And that's an open door. Paul said, "Pray for me that the Father "will give me an open door for the Word, "that it might speak the truth of the gospel "with boldness and clarity." We see in verse six buts, but Peter said as Todd mentioned, "I don't have money." Now I think there's a healthy tension here, and let me tell you what I mean by that. Peter had seen this guy before and he had maybe given money before. The guy who was here every day, three times a day I'm sure Peter knew this guy maybe helped him as he was able to do so. But I think Peter also knew that the Father had used him previously when Jesus was still on the earth. Remember Jesus sent His disciples twice so that we know for sure to go on these missions, these little short-term mission trips. And they went out preaching the truth about the Messiah Jesus and brought healing. And Peter had seen the Father bring healing into people's lives through him. He had to experience that reality, he knew that was possible. He had seen Jesus do that many, many, many times and he had seen Jesus do that through him. And I have to believe that there was an angst in Peter's heart. It says, "God, would you please use me more "than just giving this guy money?" And the interesting thing in scripture, check it out, the word compassion is always fit with when the Father is seeking to do something through you, He will fill your heart with compassion and out of compassion, not just seeing but you will have a sense of a compassion in your heart, an angst in your heart. You want to do something, that God you would do something in this need in this person's life, maybe through me, maybe through others and I think that's what Peter had experienced. Maybe for days this healthy tension, maybe he had prayed, "Father, I don't have any money today. "Could I give him more? "I mean the guy needs to walk. "Would you bring healing to him "as I've seen you do before Lord Jesus, "as I've seen you even do through my hands, "would you do it again to this man, this day, this time?" So we read, "What I don't have, "I don't have that but what I do have I give to you." And I think literally sometime in that period, again, reading between the lines of scripture is kind of tough and a little dangerous at times. But at some point, Peter probably had asked the Father, "Allow me to do something "more than just give this guy money." And we read in James 5:15, James 5:15, that the prayer of faith, that the Father sometimes gives us the prayer of faith to bring healing into the lives of people. And I think at some point and we'll see in verse 16, this is absolutely the case. At some point the Father said to Peter, today is the day for this man. What about the other beggars? I don't know, but this man it's today for him through you, I'm gonna heal him, okay? And Peter was sensitive enough to that hidden hand of God and how God works behind-the-scenes and he works in and through in a sovereign way. Now Peter knew that this ability to pray for healing he couldn't call it at will. He couldn't just go around healing anybody anytime he wanted to, it was always under the sovereign direction of his Father, all right? So when we think about divine healing today, we will always need to recognize that it's Jesus who heals. He's the one who decides when and where and who at what moment receives those kinds of things in response to prayer or to the moment of his sovereign divine desiring. He does it. And so Peter gave what was had, he gave what he had received. And he says, "In the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk." And that's a really a declaration, those are two imperatives, two commands. Get up and walk. What Peter is doing is Peter's responding to the Spirit's work in his heart. Jesus wanted to heal this man and so Jesus gave Peter the faith we'll see in 16 to declare Jesus wants to heal you, get up and walk. Now it would take a miracle for that to happen, the guy knew that, and even as Todd portrayed maybe the guy goes like, "Yeah, I would if I could, "tried it before didn't work out too well, "you don't wanna see me stumble "in front of everybody, right?" So what happens go to the next verse, verse seven. And he, Peter, Todd said maybe John with him, it says in here in the text that Peter took him by the right hand and raised him up. Faith acts, faith risks always. James chapter two makes that point that living, saving, engaging face with the Lord Jesus as followers of Jesus, He will at times lead us to take definite action, to make declarations, even to lift people up in seemingly risky ways for Him to then accomplish his purpose. Now, if Peter hadn't done that, would Jesus have healed the guys legs? I don't know, again, there's a lot of mystery behind the sovereign working of God in response to prayer and what he wants to accomplish through prayer and just what he wants to accomplish in people's lives. So many times that you try, you go through Jesus's miracles, you go through the apostles and disciples miracles, you go through miracles in history and you wanna classify them, categorize them, put them in a nice, neat box and they don't fit. Does that make sense? You ever tried that? Just do a study on Jesus's miracles. Sometimes it's the person's faith, sometimes they don't have faith, sometimes they don't have a clue, sometimes it's just Jesus declaration, sometimes God uses the faith of His kids to bring these miraculous healings and supernatural outcomes. But in this moment it's really clear, the Father used Peter, faith acts and risks. And then Jesus acts as Todd said, the guy, his legs just immediately became strong. So again, if they were to let go of the Jesus had to show up or the guy would be totally embarrassed and ashamed, Jesus acted, 'cause that was His will. In verse eight we see that the result of this, the whole man, this whole guy and his whole life was healed. He began to stand, he was leaping, he was running, he was walking and he was praising, "Jesus did this for me." I believe this man knew and had heard Peter and others talk to him probably about the Lord Jesus and he knew that Jesus was the Messiah. And so this man is not only physically healed but he's also spiritually healed. His whole being is transformed, his life has changed, his life is changed. Then we read in verses nine and 10 that all the people saw him walking and praising God and they recognized him as the one who they walked by all the time. And so we see that Jesus' work went public through Peter. Jesus's work, He wants His work to go public through you and I. That's the idea. Jesus wants the truth of the gospel to go forth His kingdom ministry to go forth through us both in the speaking of truth but also in partnering and just doing normal, ordinary things, as we'll see in a moment, in helping people around us with needs. "And they were filled with wonder and amazement," we read in the end of verse 10. Jesus's work is spreading, it went public and it was spreading because Peter was willing to partner with what Jesus wanted to do. So versus the 11 through 16, this witness is given and just look at your Bible, Todd didn't in speak of that so I just wanna read this. It says in verse 11, "While he, the man clung to Peter and John, "all the people utterly astounded, "ran together to them in the Portico called Solomons." And when Peter saw it, he addressed the people, "Men of Israel," and then he asked two questions. "Why do you wonder at this? "Or why do you stare at us as though by our own power "or piety, we have made him walk?" And so Peter begins by giving this witness and again, we'll see next week the full message that he gives to the crowd and the amazing things that the Father does through His Son, through Peter in the midst of this crowd. But just here, I just want you to see that first of all, there's this gentle rebuke that Peter gives to them. "You guys are amazed at me. "Don't be, if you knew me you would not be amazed, "I am the guy who denied Jesus three times. "I'm the guy who floundered and flutter." Whenever Peter was away from Jesus, he was a coward. Now when Peter was with Jesus physically, he was courageous. Proximity to Jesus made Peter courageous, which is kind of one of the sub themes in this passage is that Peter is now again courageous because Jesus is with him. No, He's in heaven, how has Jesus with Peter? Through the person of the Holy Spirit who came upon him in Acts chapter two, Jesus is now with Peter and therefore Peter is courageous to do these amazing, cool things, right? Outside of his own natural ability, just gentle rebuke. You guys are worshipers, you should not be amazed that God is able to do the supernaturals, is basically the point. But then secondly, "Why are you staring at us? "Wrong source, it's not me, it's not John. "It's Jesus who did this, He healed this man." And then verse 13 to verse 15, we read these words and Peter just gives these two lists. "The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, "the God of our fathers, glorified His servant Jesus, "whom you delivered over "and denied in the presence of Pilate "when he had decided to release them. "But you denied the holy and righteous one "and asked for a murder to be granted to you. "And you'll kill the author of life "whom God raised from the dead to this we are witnesses." To this we give testimony, that's what it means to be a witness. We've seen this, we know it is true. Take us to a court of law, make us swear and we will tell you what we have seen and saw and know. And in verses 13 to 15 that's what Peter gives is a witness. That's what we're called to be both in our life and with our lips to give witness to what Jesus has done in us. Now these two lists just quickly. "God is glorified, God the father "of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers. "He has glorified his servant Jesus. "Again, it's Jesus who's did this," Peter said. This one, He is the one who has glorified, He's the holy and righteous one, He's the author of life, He is the one that God raised from the dead. The resurrection was always central to the message of the gospel, 'cause it has the power to change a life because Jesus is alive, not dead. And then lastly, verse 16, Jesus is the miracle worker through partners like you and I. He loves to do the supernatural, the miraculous through people like us. Not all the time, I wish he would do it more often, not all the time but according to His will, to the extent that we're available, to the extent that were surrendered, to the extent that we'll give him the praise, we'll see that in a moment, rather than take it on ourselves, He loves to do amazing things to change individuals, to bring Him to Himself. So the good news is always about Jesus. Well, there's also bad news in the good news and Peter was courageous to say in those verses, he indicts the crowd and basically says, "You had Jesus arrested, "you're the one who rejected Jesus' release "when Pilate wanted to release Him. "You're the one who chose a murder, "you're the one who killed the life giver." And Peter courageously says, "Like me, we are all sinners. "Like me, I denied Christ, "like me, you have done the same." The good news of the gospel is never fully understood unless bad news sinks home deeply into the human heart. There is no good news without first acknowledging the bad news. I mean, there is good news but you won't own it. You won't experience good news until you own the bad news. It scares me sometimes when I talk to people and say, "Yeah, I'm a Christian." And I was like, "Oh cool, how'd you become a Christian?" "I prayed a prayer or maybe I asked Jesus into my heart." "Okay, cool." So and then kind of digging a little deeper, "So tell me about sin and what did God save you from?" And sometimes there's just this blank stare. there's this no acknowledgement, no realization of personal sin or the personal guilt as to why Jesus would even have to die on a cross. And I can totally relate to that. And growing up as a good religious person, believing that good works would get me there, I just had to beat the curve, right? And I knew that we're all sinners, but I never made the connection. My sin deserved punishment and Jesus was punished because of my sin. I just didn't connect. And I think for a lot of religious people, that connection hasn't happened yet either. But until that connection happens, it's my sin that killed Jesus. The truth of the gospel will not transform their heart and won't say them from eternal punishment. So the good news always contains bad news. All right, verse 16, I wanna include these verses 'cause of verse 16. And Peter goes on he says, "In His name, by faith in His name, "His name has made this man strong whom you see and know, "and the faith that is through Jesus has given the man "this perfect health in the presence of you all." So Peter in this verse, in verse 12, he says, "It's not of us, right? "I didn't heal this man, Jesus did." And so the first part of verse 16 that's what Peter says, "It's the name of Jesus healed this man, "Jesus healed this man. The name, it represents everything that Jesus is. Jesus Christ healed Him. His authority, His power, His ability has brought healing and wholeness to this guy not me. But then he almost like repeats himself in the second half of verse 16, right? Look at it. You almost looks like, you just said that. No, I said different, distinctively different. He says, "And the faith that is through Jesus." And so what Peter is testifying here is that Jesus has given me faith, the faith that I have to do declare this healing, Jesus gave that to me. So Jesus did the healing, but He also did the healing through me at least this time, not all the time, sometimes He does it apart from human instruments but a lot of times He likes to include us, so I have us partner with Him, so we get the joy of that. How many of you have seen God answer a prayer through your life touching someone's life? What did it do for your heart? What did it do for you? Did you go like, "Ah, whatever, like no big deal." Or did you go like, "That was amazing. "The God of this universe used me. "Just a nobody me to do His kingdom activity "in this person's life who's changed forever," right? That's why Jesus does it, He loves to thrill our souls with Him. That our souls will be thrilled in Him and with Him and because of Him. This guy's leaping and praising, "Praise Jesus, I know Jesus healed me." Peter and John are going, "Praise Jesus because Jesus healed this man through us." That is crazy amazing. As I say with my little granddaughters, "That's just crazy." They go , "Ah, it's just crazy." So partnering with Jesus. Jesus uses people who are willing to, Jesus uses people who are willing to, first of all, do the right thing at the right time. Peter and John were devoted, they were kingdom people. They were going to the temple, they were committed to making the gospel known. They were going to the hotspot. If there was any place that someone might be willing to hear about what Jesus had done in their life and what he wanted to do in their life it was the temple. So they were doing the right thing at the right time. And the way that I applied that to my life is it's in the ordinary of life, the normal routine of life is not just ordinary it can be sacred to the extent that I am devoted and surrender to Jesus to do His will through me. So going to work, driving down the interstate, living in your neighborhood. So for an example, my neighbor was replacing his deck and he had this the stairs and he was doing it by himself. This is crazy and these planks are huge. Guy's out to kill himself. His wife was kind of there helping, but yeah, right. And so it's like, all right, Lord. Oh yeah, yeah, okay. Well, I've been praying for them, I've prayed to the Father to give me an opportunity and so I went over there and helped them. Now this time I helped them, often I don't as I'll tell you in a moment, do that as often as I should, but are we devoted to Jesus? I wanna be a kingdom player today, do the right thing at the right time. Number two, be willing to be interrupted. This is the one I fail at. Ah, man, I hate to be interrupted. I'm such a driven type A, task checkoff list person, interruptions just kill me, right? And the Father knows that and He just has fun with me and bringing interruptions into my life to just check my heart and check my agenda and what I'm after. So just slow down, just slow down and see that these interruptions He wants to use as opportunities. It's just hard. The third thought is that people who Jesus uses are willing to pay attention to the needs of others. Now this one I get. I see needs, I don't like to be interrupted to meet them, but I see them. Maybe you're here and you don't see the needs because you just don't see them and that's one of the things that I pray for, remember I talked about compassion. Compassion is the working of the Holy Spirit that makes my heart sensitive to the needs of people around me. So when I saw that thing happen, I not only thought of like the guy is gonna maybe kill himself, my neighbor kill himself by getting this beam up. But I thought I know in talking with him that it'd be great if Jesus was in his life and there's compassion, I want that for him. Pay attention to the needs of others. Fourthly, give what you have. Are you willing to give what you have and sometimes what you don't have. Sometimes it's money, I give money. I need to give money because I have it, I need to help that's what is needed. Sometimes it's prayer, sometimes it's a helping hand, sometimes it's just stopping and listening. Give what we have. Then lastly, be willing to promote Jesus not myself. Remember Peter go like, "It's not us guys, it's Jesus." People are so prone to make idols out of the tools that God uses. When God uses you, you're like a baseball glove, right? And the hand of the Holy Spirit in Jesus is working through you, this baseball glove and you catch these amazing fly balls, reaching over the fence to steal a home run. And all the crowd goes, "Look at that glove, "that's an amazing glove." No, what do we do? We go, "What an amazing player," and yet often as followers of Jesus, we make idols of a people that God uses. We're so prone to that. Peter saw that he says, "Don't do that, not me, "I'm just a glove." But Jesus has his hand in and is doing his cool things with and in and through me to others. Peter was so good. He had learned, he had learned through failure. He learned how to do that well, and as he continued to learn that well the Father kept using him. Jesus wants to use you. Do you hear that this morning? If you're a follower of Jesus, He wants to use you 24/7 as a witness. Sometimes He'll give you a chance to open your mouth and tell others about Jesus But 24/7 He gives you a chance to be His witness, to just tell people what he is doing, has done in your life. Father, I just wanna thank you for allowing us to see in the simple and yet amazing miracle that you accomplished through just one of your ordinary disciples through Peter, no different than us. You did the amazing thing because he was available to you and he was filled with you Holy Spirit. He was sensitive and he was seeking to live a kingdom ministry life, giving his life for the things that mattered in eternity. Jesus, I pray that you would cause us as your church, as your people in this room, in this place to surrender ourselves to you, to live as those witnesses who are willing to partner with you to see interruptions as opportunities that become divine appointments when we choose to partner with you in what you're wanting to do around us. Father I wanna pray this morning for those who are not yet in Christ. And we'll see that again next week as Peter makes it clear that you gotta have a relationship with Jesus to be partnered, to be used by in doing kingdom ministry. And so I pray for those who are here that are still not sure that the Lord Jesus has died for their sin. Holy Spirit drive home the reality that we are all sinners and needing of your eternal forgiveness through faith by trusting and believing only Jesus, that you did it all on the cross and rising again proving it was done. And so Father, I pray that you'd bring life to that individual this morning, eternal life. So manifest your glory through us as your church Father, may we be quick to acknowledge that we are empty vessels. We're just baseball gloves and we need to be filled by your mighty hand. Do that to accomplish your purpose. Amen.